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Autism: Case Study
From a Long-term Neurofeedback Clinician Jonathan Cowan, Ph.D. |
About 8-9 years ago I reported the case history of an eight-year-old autistic
girl (triply diagnosed as high-functioning autistic) who came to me for training at the
Winter Brain Meeting. She was so non-communicative that she would hide under
the couch. Her first TOVA ® (Test of Variables of Attention) showed about 27% omission
errors. By the time she finished all 28 sessions, she had improved to the
point where she behaved fairly normally, and she had 8% errors. Her parents
did a TV story documenting her improvement. A year later, her TOVA test was
now excellent, with about 1% omission errors.
I hadn't heard from her in years, until I got a call from a professional
involved with another family member, who wanted me to do the same thing for
her two ADD kids. Turns out that Angela was the class valedictorian last
year, and is now in college!
Who would have thought...