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Cerebral Palsy
Case Study |
We have just received a report that child of ten with Cerebral Palsy had
achieved an IQ increase from 48 four years ago to 70 currently. He had been
trained with neurofeedback intermittently for four years. Even though a long
span of time passed between measurements, such IQ improvements are not
expected. Therefore it is proper to attribute the gains to the use of
Neurofeedback even in the absence of a control. There is also no reason to
think that the child has plateaued at this value of IQ. It is quite possible
that further gains may be in store for this child with additional training
over the coming years.
To date every study on neurofeedback that has included IQ measurements has
demonstrated significant gains on an individual and a group basis. This
argues for a role of Neurofeedback in ordering brain function that goes
beyond what is commonly achievable with medications that impact on
neurotransmitter and neuromodulator function.